Andrea Banks, Property Partner at Prestige & Village

Andrea Banks, Property Partner at Prestige & Village

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Can you start by telling us a bit about yourself and how you got into the property industry?

My name is Andrea Banks, and I am a property partner for Prestige and Village. I actually got into property during lockdown. It's quite an interesting story, really. I was on a dog walk, contemplating different career paths after closing down my recruitment business. I thought property could be an exciting venture, so I contacted a friend who was already in the industry to get some insights.

That's fascinating. Can you tell us more about your journey into property?

Certainly. Initially, I started by making phone calls to potential clients in the property market. However, I decided to change my approach and began contacting individuals with higher budgets. This entrepreneurial mindset led to interesting opportunities, like receiving an offer on a block of apartments for a pension fund.

That sounds like a great start. How did your role as a property partner with Prestige and Village come about?

After proving my capabilities in the property industry, I was offered the position of a property consultant. Within a month, I had already sold and sourced 30 properties for a local agent. It was evident that this was the field I wanted to be in, and all my work now comes through referrals and recommendations.

That's fantastic to hear. How does your background contribute to your success in the property market?

My background plays a significant role in my success. I have always been involved in sales, from being a national accounts manager for prominent companies to running my own recruitment business. These experiences honed my skills in communication and relationship building, which are crucial in the property industry.

It's clear that your diverse experiences have been beneficial. Can you tell us why you decided to join Prestige and Village?

I had been contemplating starting my own estate agency, but I felt the need for a reputable brand and support structure. Prestige and Village offered me the perfect balance between independence and support. They already had a well-established website, CRM system, and a team to help me, which was incredibly appealing.

That sounds like a great fit. How has the Prestige and Village brand helped your business?

The Prestige and Village brand has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me in marketing my business effectively, especially with the polo events they organize. I recently took on a developer who was highly sought after by other local agents. But thanks to the brand and the offering I presented at the polo event, they chose to work with me.

Impressive! Can you describe your role as a property partner at Prestige and Village?

As a property partner, I source properties, organize brochures and photography, and negotiate with potential vendors. My focus is on building strong relationships with both buyers and sellers to ensure a seamless and successful transaction. I make it a point to match the right buyer with the right property, expediting the process.

It sounds like you're dedicated to providing the best service to your clients. What do you consider the key benefits of being a property partner at Prestige and Village?

The key benefits are immense. As a property partner, you have a ready-made business, eliminating the need to set up your own website or invest in expensive portals like Rightmove. The brand's reputation and support team offer confidence, and the exclusive area I cover ensures minimal competition. Additionally, tools like Sprift help me stay ahead of the market and offer a personalized touch to potential vendors.

It sounds like a highly rewarding opportunity. Can you sum up why you would recommend working with Prestige and Village?

I highly recommend working with Prestige and Village because it offers the perfect balance of independence and support. You can earn more than you would with other local agents or setting up your own business, thanks to the already established infrastructure. The brand's reputation, marketing events, and team support all contribute to a thriving and successful venture.

Thank you, Andrea. It's been a pleasure speaking with you and learning about your journey with Prestige and Village.

Thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure sharing my experiences. I hope it inspires others to find success in the property market as well.


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