The Big Issues

The Big Issues

All the views and analysis behind the main stories affecting the property sector.

One of the nice things about this time of year is that slowly, ever so slowly, we begin to emerge from the gloom of winter. The mornings are becoming a little lighter a little earlier, the evenings are edging back ...
Happy New Year, to you all. Now that we’re all back in harness and Christmas feels like a long-distant memory, I thought it might be a good idea to muse on the year to come. As per usual the scaremongers ...
As we get ever closer to 2023, this final Natter of the year is dedicated to the five biggest property moments of 2022 – and it’s been another busy, lively, topsy-turvy one. It’s felt like the first relatively normal year since ...
The latest measures for property the Chancellor included in his Autumn Statement may not have been dramatic, but has it given the industry the time it needs to collect its thoughts and plan for a new era? Despite commentary and ...
In this guest feature, Dillon Darbar, counter fraud manager at Network Homes, sets out why estate agents need to be aware of social housing fraudsters. For social housing providers like Network Homes, tenancy fraud is a significant challenge. The cost-of-living ...
The property sector braced itself for the chill wind of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement this week. His pre-Budget comment that he had some ‘eye-wateringly tough’ decisions to make proved to be all too true as he raised taxes to ...
The property industry often gets a bad rep, despite all the work that agents and others in the sector do for good causes. One of the standout examples of this - for his work helping army veterans - is Craig ...
In this guest piece, Andy Jones, Corporate & Build To Rent Director at LRG, looks at whether commercial property can help solve the housing supply crisis. Available rental stock is in short supply, although we’re seen considerable improvement since last winter. ...
Given their leading role in the recent upfront information revolution, interest in the work of the National Trading Standards Estate & Letting Agency Team (NTSELAT for short) has risen significantly in recent months. One of the key cogs in that ...
Recent political changes – and there have been quite a few in recent weeks – have brought about something of a ‘back to the future’ feel, particularly since Rishi Sunak took over as Prime Minister. The need to find a ...
I can’t really write about anything else this week, can I? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have seen that Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister on Thursday after only 45 days in office. This makes her ...
It’s fair to say that ours is an industry which has a language of its own, and often revels in the technical, the acronyms, abbreviations, and such like, which litter our everyday discussions. Unfortunately, at a time of considerable uncertainty ...
The worst cost-of-living crisis in generations is everywhere we look and agents – and the property industry more widely – are certainly caught up in it too. There are a number of reasons why the situation is so perilous, certainly ...
Amid a cost-of-living crisis, not to mention the uncertainty of a post-Covid economy, real estate businesses across the UK don’t have their problems to seek. But there is a simple way for estate agents not just to take responsibility for ...
As inflation passes the 10% mark, it’s no surprise that many landlords are hurriedly reviewing the health of their buy-to-let portfolio. You could argue that it’s still a buoyant market for investors. Rents have risen by 11.8% in the last ...
In this guest piece, Kevin Shaw, National Sales Managing Director at Leaders Romans Group, looks at whether house prices will start to cool off in the remaining months of 2022 or keep to their record highs. After more than a year of ...
Estate Agent Today's good friend Christopher Watkin recently carried out a video interview with Glynis Frew, the well-known former managing director of Hunters, which originally appeared on LinkedIn. He has kindly allowed us to run the video in full here ...
It was announced back in February this year that PEXA, the Australian FinTech/PropTech that enabled the world’s first fully digitised property settlement process, would be aiming to break into the UK property market in 2022, promising to improve transaction processes. This followed 'significant ...
For some time, LinkedIn was seen – fairly or unfairly – as stodgy, dull, corporate and formal. The uncool uncle to the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It was seen as a place for business, networking, headhunting and finding new ...
Recent statistics published by the government’s Business Insights and Conditions Survey revealed the extent to which many real estate businesses have embraced new ways of working. It showed, throughout the month of June, that 36.9% of real estate businesses were “using ...
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