Adam Pigott, CEO of OpenBrix

Adam Pigott, CEO of OpenBrix

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Who are you and what does it say on your business card?

Adam Pigott, CEO of OpenBrix

What is ‘company name’ and what does it do?

OpenBrix is a platform that hosts the tenant centric Tenant lifecycle App tlyfe.

What services do you offer and in what ways do you work with estate and letting agents?

Tlyfe allows tenant applicants and existing tenants to share their trusted profile of verified and validated information to assert themselves as “rent ready”. This saves time and costs to letting agents.

What makes your product different and how does it benefit agents?

Firstly tlyfe is the only tenant lifecycle app in the UK and secondly the “rent ready” tool comes with a complete fully comprehensive reference check that is linked to their affordability. Priority boarding for tenants that will get them to the head of the queue.
What is your greatest achievement in your current role and what made it so special?

Two things. Getting John Hards (Ex MD of Countrywide Lettings) as our Chairman together with an awesome team and negotiating an exclusive deal with the TDS.

What is the most satisfying part of your job? Having the only credible solution for renters in this current very competitive market.

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing estate and letting agents at the moment? With letting agents reporting anything from 20-50 applicants per available property, they have an immense challenge to sift through them to promote what they perceive as the best deal for their client.

What is your property prediction for the next 12 months? Increased pressure on the Lettings market.

Country house or city apartment? Country House, I am showing my age here.

Trendy roof terrace or traditional English garden? Again, English garden.

Would you rather be a free-moving tenant or settled owner occupier? At my age, a owner -occupier but tenants should feel empowered by tlyfe and it can help them become  buyer in due course due to the Rent Payment history and credit score boost.

What is your favourite room in your home? My wife and I love our bedroom!

Homes under the Hammer or Location, Location, Location? Location, Location, Location, its very informative.


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