Mark Bevan, Sales Director at Loop.

Mark Bevan, Sales Director at Loop.

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Who are you and what does it say on your business card?

My name is Mark Bevan and I am the Sales Director, here at Loop.

What is ‘company name’ and what does it do?

Our name is Loop, and we provide CRM software to agents all across the nation, catering to both single offices and multi-branded regional leaders. Loop was established by Oliver Gleave, the founder of Jupix. My association with Olly dates back to the early stages of the Jupix venture, where we placed immense value on innovation and top-notch customer support. This foundational ethos continues to be a driving force, motivating our team to consistently deliver excellent products to our valued clients.

What services do you offer and in what ways do you work with estate and letting agents?

In addition to the CRM functionalities of Loop, we've incorporated essential market intelligence directly into the software. This means you can say goodbye to the hassle of maintaining spreadsheets filled with local market data. Loop provides you with insights on local price reductions, fall-throughs, withdrawals, and new instructions. Even when booking an appraisal or registering a buyer on the platform, these insights are readily available. Agents find immense value in accessing this information seamlessly through their CRM, enabling them to establish themselves as genuine property experts within their local area.

Furthermore, our platform encompasses property management features and is on the brink of integrating client accounts, making it a comprehensive solution all in one place. This unified platform addresses a critical need in today's landscape.

What makes your product different and how does it benefit agents?

We believe that our system offers user-friendly functionality, complete with tangible advantages like automation that simplifies the lives of our agents. However, its true potential shines when clients require specific data insights from the system.

Our training approach involves in-person sessions led by our software trainer, Alex. Additionally, we provide a "Shoulder Surfing" day after installation to ensure clients aren't left in a state of uncertainty.

Our clients play a pivotal role in upholding our software's ethos of user-friendliness and innovation. Their input is instrumental in ensuring that the software remains aligned with these principles.

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

Very difficult question to answer but as a team, we find immense satisfaction in collaborating with each and every agent who has transitioned to Loop. Just like any enterprise, we encounter hurdles—some more demanding than others—but it's precisely these challenges that motivate us. We view our product as a continuous work in progress, and every new client who joins us introduces fresh perspectives that test and push the boundaries of the system.

Personally, what I find fulfilling is cultivating strong relationships with our clients and ensuring that agents are extracting the utmost value from our software. This process of engagement and optimization brings me a great sense of satisfaction in my role.

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing estate and letting agents at the moment?

The most significant challenge currently faced by estate and lettings agents is the scarcity of available properties for sale or rent, coupled with elevated mortgage rates that are impacting affordability. Our ongoing conversations with agents reveal that while certain aspects like extended sale durations are beyond their control, they are now compelled to establish deeper connections with their buyer databases. The reality is that agents are reverting to the fundamental task of reacquainting themselves with their buyers and proactively engaging with them. This means being prepared to promptly reach out when a suitable property becomes available in the market. In essence, it's a return to the basics of building relationships and readiness to seize opportunities when the right property emerges.

Very cliché

Country house or city apartment?

Country House all the way

Trendy roof terrace or traditional English garden?

A younger me would say trendy roof terrace but the kids would be causing havoc if they couldn’t stretch their legs so ill have to be sensible and say English garden!

Would you rather be a free-moving tenant or settled owner occupier?

100% a settled owner. Making your home your own is key

What is your favourite room in your home?

Has to be the lounge, it’s the chance of a bit of downtime, especially when the football is on (not that Swindon are on TV much, these days!!)


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