Jake Gann, Sales Director at Bamboo Auction

Jake Gann, Sales Director at Bamboo Auction

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Who are you and what does it say on your business card?

My name is Jake Gann and my business card says Sales Director!

What is ‘company name’ and what does it do?

We help our partner agents sell more homes! The way we do this is by developing market-leading auction software which enables agents to run and fully control their own auction offering completely in-house, powered by the white labelled Bamboo Auction technology.

Not content on just providing the technology we empower agents with our dedicated Customer Success team who work with agents and effectively become part of the agent's back office team.

What services do you offer and in what ways do you work with estate and letting agents?

Bamboo Auctions provides a very tailored approach to auctions catering to any agent's needs when it comes to auction sales. Depending on what is required, we can provide online timed auctions, a live-streamed in-room online offering as well as fully managed auction packages. We work closely with our agency partners to understand how they want to work and apply either a dedicated package or a blend depending on their needs.

What makes your product different and how does it benefit agents?

Looking at our main product which is online timed auctions, the main difference is control. Our agents get to control all aspects of the auction journey. This includes controlling the vendor journey by keeping the vendors in-house, control over their income as it is them that sets the fees, or control of marketing and progression which can be kept completely in-house.

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

We work really closely with our agents from when they join us and long after their first sales. One of the really important things we do is understand what their needs are and help them deliver on those goals. By far, the most satisfying part of my job is seeing those partners' goals be met, achieved, and exceeded!

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing estate and letting agents at the moment?

Lack of certainty in the market. Since the interest rate hikes came in, property prices have been hit and this has caused a number of different micro factors for agents whether it be stock, buyers, or a lack of affordable mortgages. Each of these causes uncertainty for buyers, sellers, and agents.

What is your property prediction for the next 12 months?

Inflation and in turn interest rates will settle towards the end of the year. As this happens vendors expectations on pricing will align closer to buyers and vice versa. This will slow the growth of house prices, but the important takeaway is that the market will continue to show resilience (as it is already doing despite the bombardment of challenges thrown at it) and keep moving – slow and steady. The agents that embrace new technologies that help their clients remove uncertainty from buying and selling will be the winners in 12 months' time.

Country house or city apartment?

Country House!

Trendy roof terrace or traditional English garden?

Trendy Roof Terrace!

Would you rather be a free-moving tenant or settled owner occupier?

Settled Owner Occupier!

What is your favourite room in your home?

Hard question, as it depends on my mood, but my lounge.

Homes under the Hammer or Location, Location, Location?

I might be biased but Homes under the Hammer!

Jake Gann


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